Semen Armeniacae consists of the dried ripe seeds of Prunus
L., Prunus armeniaca L. var. ansu Maxim.
or allied species (Rosaceae)
Armeniaca vulgaris Lam.
Selected vernacular names
Abricotier, anzu, apricot, Aprikose, Aprikosenbaum,
barqouq, bitter
apricot, chuli, cuari, culu, elk mesmas, haeng-in,
Himalayan wild apricot,
hsing, ku-xinggren, kurbani, mao, michmich, mouchmouch,
o mai,
sal-goo, touffah armani, wild apricot, xing ren,
zardalou, zardalu (3, 5–8).
Geographical distribution
Indigenous to the Korean peninsula and to China, India
and Japan (9, 10).
Cultivated in Asia, North Africa and United States of
America (11).
A medium-sized, deciduous tree, with reddish bark and
glabrous twigs.
Leaves convoluted in bud, blade broadly ovate, 5–7 cm
long, 4–5 cm wide,
acuminate, crenate-glandular, hairy on the veins of the
underside when
young, glabrous when mature, except for the axils of the
underside veins.
Petiole approximately 2.5 cm long, glandular; stipules,
lanceolate, glandular
on the margins. Flowers appearing before the leaves,
bisexual, pinkish
to white, solitary or fascicled, pedicels very short;
calyx-tube campanulate,
puberulent, 5 mm long; surrounding lobes, pubescent,
half the length
of the tube; petals suborbicular, 7–13 mm long; stamens
inserted with the
petals at the mouth of the calyx-tube; ovary and base of
the style hairy.
Fruit a downy or glabrous, yellow-tinged, red drupe with
a fl eshy outer
layer surrounding a hard stone containing the seed (9,
Plant material of interest: dried ripe seeds
General appearance
Flattened, cordate, 1.1–1.9 cm long, 0.8–1.5 cm wide,
0.4–0.8 cm thick,
acute at one end, plump, unsymmetrical, rounded at the
other. Seed coat
yellowish-brown to deep brown; short linear hilum
situated at the acute
end; chalaza at the rounded end, with numerous,
deep-brown veins radiating
upwards. Testa, thin; two cotyledons (1, 3, 4).
Organoleptic properties
Odourless; taste: bitter (1, 3, 4).
Microscopic characteristics
Epidermal surface has stone cells, 60–90 μm in diameter,
on veins protruded
by vascular bundles, which appear as angular circles–ellipses,
uniform in shape, with uniformly thickened walls. In
view, stone cells appear obtusely triangular, walls
extremely thickened at
the apex (1, 2).
Powdered plant material
See characteristic features under Microscopic
characteristics (1, 2).
General identity tests
Macroscopic and microscopic examinations, and
microchemical tests
(1, 2, 4).
Purity tests
Tests for specifi c microorganisms and microbial contamination
limits are
as described in the WHO guidelines on quality control
methods for medicinal
plants (12).
Pesticide residues
The recommended maximum limit of aldrin and dieldrin is
not more than
0.05 mg/kg (13). For other pesticides, see the European
(13), and the WHO guidelines on quality control
methods for medicinal
plants (12) and pesticide residues (14).
Heavy metals
For maximum limits and analysis of heavy metals, consult
the WHO
guidelines on quality control methods for medicinal
plants (12).
Semen Armeniacae
Radioactive residues
Where applicable, consult the WHO guidelines on quality
control methods
for medicinal plants (12) for the analysis of
radioactive isotopes.
Other purity tests
Chemical, foreign organic matter, total ash,
acid-insoluble ash, sulfated
ash, alcohol-soluble extractive, water-soluble
extractive and loss on drying
tests to be established in accordance with national
Chemical assays
Contains not less than 3.0% amygdalin determined by
titrimetric assay
with silver nitrate (4). A high-performance
liquid chromatography
method is also available (15).
Major chemical constituents
The major constituent is amygdalin (up to 4.9%), a
cyanogenic glycoside
(a plant compound that contains sugar and produces
cyanide). Other cyanogenic
compounds present are prunasin and mandelonitrile. Also
are the amygdalin-hydrolysing enzyme, emulsin, and fatty
acids and
sitosterols (8, 16). The structure of amygdalin
is presented below.
Medicinal uses
Uses supported by clinical data
Uses described in pharmacopoeias and well established
Internally as a decoction, after processing by dipping
in boiling water and
stir-frying until yellow (4), for symptomatic
treatment of asthma, cough
with profuse expectoration and fever. The seed oil is
used for treatment of
constipation (3, 4).
Experimental pharmacology
Analgesic and antipyretic activity
Intragastric administration of 46.32 mg/kg body weight
(bw) of amygdalin
to rats induced a small increase in body temperature,
and prevented
ephedrine-induced hyperthermia (18). In the hot
plate and acetic acidinduced
writhing tests in mice, the analgesic median effective
doses (ED50)
were 457.0 mg/kg and 288.0 mg/kg bw, respectively.
However, at these
doses, amygdalin could not substitute for morphine in
rats in relieving withdrawal syndrome. No anti-infl
ammatory effects
were observed in the animals treated with amygdalin (19).
Antitumour activity
Intragastric administration of 200.0 mg/kg–2.0 g/kg bw
of amygdalin to
mice with P388 lymphocytic leukaemia or P815 mast-cell
leukaemia on
days 1 and 5, or days 1, 5 and 9. Despite treatment with
high doses of
amygdalin there was no prolongation in the lifespan of
mice in either
group (20).
Antitussive activity
Amygdalin, 30.0 mg, had antitussive effects in the
sulfur dioxide gasinduced
cough model in mice (21, 22). The enzymes
amygdalase and
prunase, along with gastric juice, hydrolyse amygdalin
to form small
amounts of hydrocyanic acid, thereby stimulating the
respiratory refl ex
and producing antitussive and antiasthmatic effects (19).
Metabolism and pharmacokinetics
After intragastric administration of 30.0 mg of
amygdalin or prunasin to
rats, capacity for hydrolysing these compounds was
greatest in the organs
of 15-day-old animals, most of the activity being
concentrated in the tissues
of the small and large intestines. The activity
decreased with age. In
adult rats, hydrolysis of prunasin was greater than that
of amygdalin and
was concentrated in the spleen, large intestine and
kidney (35.0 μg, 15.0 μg
and 8.9 μg of prunasin hydrolysed per hour per gram of
tissue, respectively).
Minced liver, spleen, kidney and stomach tissue had a
greater hydrolytic
capability than the homogenate of these organs, while
the reverse
was the case with the small and large intestines.
Following oral administration
of 30.0 mg of amygdalin to adult rats, distribution
after the fi rst
hour was as follows: stomach 0.89 mg, small intestine
0.78 mg, spleen
0.36 mg, large intestine 0.30 mg, kidney 0.19 mg, liver
0.10 mg and serum
5.6 μg/ml. At the end of the second hour, the highest
amygdalin content,
0.79 mg, was found in the large intestine (23, 24).
Semen Armeniacae
Intragastric administration of 125.0 mg/kg bw of
powdered defatted Semen
Armeniacae per day for 7 days to mice or rabbits
produced no behavioural,
histological or microscopic toxic effects (25).
Intragastric administration
of 250.0 mg/kg bw of an aqueous suspension of the
defatted seeds to mice had no toxic effects within a
24-hour period (25).
The median lethal dose (LD50) of amygdalin in rats was
880.0 mg/kg bw
after intragastric administration. However, when a dose
of 600.0 mg/kg
bw was administered by the same route, together with β-glucosidase,
animals died. Total and magnesium adenosine
triphosphatase activities in
the heart decreased with increasing levels of
administered amygdalin (23,
Diets containing 10% ground seeds were fed to young and
male and female rats. The seeds were obtained from 35
specifi c apricot
cultivars and divided into groups containing low
amygdalin (cyanide
< 50.0 mg/100 g), moderate amygdalin (cyanide 100–200.0
mg/100 g), or
high amygdalin (cyanide > 200.0 mg/100 g). Growth of
young male rats
was greatest in the low and moderate amygdalin groups,
indicating that
the animals were more sensitive to the bitter taste of
the kernels with high
amygdalin content. In female rats, but not males, liver
rhodanase activity
and blood thiocyanate levels were increased with the
high-amygdalin diet,
but both males and females effi ciently excreted
thiocyanate, indicating effi
cient detoxifi cation and clearance of cyanide
hydrolysed from the dietary
amygdalin. No other changes in blood chemistry were
observed (26).
Toxic amounts of cyanide were released into the blood of
rats following
intragastric administration of amygdalin (proprietary
laetrile) (dose not
specifi ed); cyanide blood concentrations and toxicity
were lower when
amygdalin was given intravenously (dose not specifi ed).
Analysis of the
time course of cyanogenesis suggests that cyanide could
accumulate in
blood after repeated oral doses of amygdalin (27).
Following intraperitoneal
administration of 250.0 mg/kg bw, 500.0 mg/kg bw or
750.0 mg/kg
bw of amygdalin per day to rats for 5 days, mortalities
were 30.8%, 44.1%
and 56.8%, respectively. The mode of death and the
elevated serum cyanide
levels in the dying animals strongly suggested cyanide
poisoning as
the cause of death (28).
The systemic effects of an oil prepared from the seeds
containing 94%
unsaturated fatty acids, and oleic and linoleic acids
were assessed in a 13-
week feeding study in rats. The animals were fed a diet
containing 10% oil.
No toxic effects were observed and no macroscopic or
microscopic lesions
in any of the organs were found (29). External
applications of 0.5 ml of the
seed oil to rabbits did not produce any observable toxic
effects (25).
Clinical pharmacology
Antitumour activity
The term “laetrile” is an acronym used to describe a purifi
ed form of
amygdalin, a cyanogenic glucoside found in the pits of
many fruits and
raw nuts and in other plants, such as lima beans, clover
and sorghum (30).
However, the chemical composition of a proprietary
laetrile preparation
patented in the United States of America (LaetrileR),
which comprises
mandelonitrile-β-glucuronide, a semisynthetic derivative
of amygdalin, is
different from that of natural laetrile/amygdalin, which
consists of mandelonitrile
β-d-gentiobioside and is made from crushed apricot pits.
which contains cyanide, is a structural component of
products. It has been proposed that the cyanide is an
active anticancer
ingredient in laetrile, but two other breakdown products
of amygdalin,
prunasin (which is similar in structure to the
proprietary product) and
benzaldehyde, have also been suggested. The studies
discussed in this
summary used either Mexican laetrile/amygdalin or the
proprietary formulation.
Laetrile can be administered orally as a pill, or it can
be given
by injection (intravenous or intramuscular). It is
commonly given intravenously
over a period of time followed by oral maintenance
therapy. The
incidence of cyanide poisoning is much higher when
laetrile is taken orally
because intestinal bacteria and some commonly eaten
plants contain
enzymes (β-glucosidases) that activate the release of
cyanide following
laetrile ingestion (31). Relatively little
breakdown to yield cyanide occurs
when laetrile is injected (32).
Laetrile has been used as an anticancer treatment in
humans worldwide.
While many anecdotal reports and case reports are
available, results
from only two clinical trials have been published (33,
34). No controlled
clinical trial (a trial including a comparison group
that receives no additional
treatment, a placebo, or another treatment) of laetrile
has ever been
conducted. Case reports and reports of case series have
provided little
evidence to support laetrile as an anticancer treatment
(35). The absence
of a uniform documentation of cancer diagnosis, the use
of conventional
therapies in combination with laetrile, and variations
in the dose and duration
of laetrile therapy complicate evaluation of the data.
In a published
case series, fi ndings from ten patients with various
types of metastatic
cancer were reported (36). These patients had
been treated with a wide
range of doses of intravenous proprietary laetrile
(total dose range 9–
133 g). Pain relief (reduction or elimination) was the
primary benefi t reported.
Some responses, such as decreased adenopathy (swollen
nodes) and decreased tumour size, were noted.
Information on prior or
concurrent therapy was provided; however, patients were
not followed
Semen Armeniacae
long-term to determine whether the benefi ts continued
after treatment
ceased. Another case series, published in 1953, included
44 cancer patients
and found no evidence of objective response that could
be attributed to
laetrile (37). Most patients with reported cancer
regression in this series
had recently received or were receiving concurrent
radiation therapy or
chemotherapy. Thus, it is impossible to determine which
treatment produced
the positive results.
In 1978, the United States National Cancer Institute
(NCI), at the
National Institutes of Health, requested case reports
from practitioners
who believed their patients had benefi ted from laetrile
treatment (38). Of
the 93 cases submitted, 67 were considered suitable for
evaluation. An
expert panel concluded that only two of the 67 patients
had complete responses,
and that four others had partial responses while using
On the basis of these six responses, NCI agreed to
sponsor phase I and
phase II clinical trials. The phase I study was designed
to test the doses,
routes of administration and schedule of administration.
Six patients with
advanced cancer were treated with amygdalin given
intravenously at
4.5 g/m2 per day. The drug was largely excreted
unchanged in the urine
and produced no clinical or laboratory evidence of a
toxic reaction.
Amygdalin given orally, 0.5 g three times daily,
produced blood cyanide
levels of up to 2.1 μg/ml. No clinical or laboratory
evidence of toxic reaction
was seen in the six patients taking the drug at this
dosage. However,
two patients who ate raw almonds while undergoing oral
treatment developed
symptoms of cyanide poisoning (33).
In the phase II clinical trial, 175 patients with
various types of cancer
(breast, colon, lung) were treated with amygdalin plus a
“metabolic therapy”
programme consisting of a special diet, with enzymes and
The great majority of these patients were in good
general condition before
treatment. None was totally disabled or in a preterminal
One-third had not received any previous chemotherapy.
The amygdalin
preparations were administered by intravenous injection
for 21 days, followed
by oral maintenance therapy, dosages and schedules being
to those evaluated in the phase I study. Vitamins and
pancreatic enzymes
were also administered as part of a metabolic therapy
programme that
included dietary changes to restrict the use of
caffeine, sugar, meats, dairy
products, eggs and alcohol. A small subset of patients
received higherdose
amygdalin therapy and higher doses of some vitamins as
part of the
trial. Patients were followed until there was defi nite
evidence of cancer
progression, elevated blood cyanide levels or severe
clinical deterioration.
Among 175 patients suitable for assessment, only one met
the criteria for
response. This patient, who had gastric carcinoma with
cervical lymph
node metastasis, experienced a partial response that was
maintained for
10 weeks while on amygdalin therapy. In 54% of patients
there was measurable
disease progression at the end of the intravenous course
of treatment,
and all patients had progression 7 months after
completing intravenous
therapy; 7% reported an improvement in performance
(ability to work or to perform routine daily activities)
at some time during
therapy, and 20% claimed symptomatic relief. In most
patients, these
benefi ts did not persist. Blood cyanide levels were not
elevated after intravenous
amygdalin treatment; however, they were elevated after
oral therapy
(34). On the basis of this phase II study, NCI
concluded that no further
investigation of laetrile was warranted.
Adverse reactions
The side-effects associated with amygdalin treatment are
the same as the
symptoms of cyanide poisoning. Cyanide is a neurotoxin
that initially
causes nausea and vomiting, headache and dizziness,
rapidly progressing
to cyanosis (bluish discoloration of the skin due to
oxygen-deprived haemoglobin
in the blood), liver damage, marked hypotension, ptosis
upper eyelid), ataxic neuropathies (diffi culty in
walking due to damaged
nerves), fever, mental confusion, convulsions, coma and
death. These
side-effects can be potentiated by the concurrent
administration of raw
almonds or crushed fruit pits, eating fruits and
vegetables that contain β-
glucosidase, such as celery, peaches, bean sprouts and
carrots, or high
doses of vitamin C (35).
Numerous cases of cyanide poisoning from amygdalin have
been reported
(39–42). After ingestion, amygdalin is
metabolized in the gastrointestinal
tract to produce prunasin and mandelonitrile, which are
broken down to benzaldehyde and hydrocyanic acid, the
latter of which
is highly toxic. Overdose causes dizziness, nausea,
vomiting and headache,
which may progress to dyspnoea, spasms, dilated pupils,
and coma. A 65-year-old woman with cirrhosis and
hepatoma lapsed
into deep coma, and developed hypotension and acidosis
after ingestion
of 3 g of amygdalin. After initial treatment, the
patient regained consciousness,
but massive hepatic damage led to her death (42).
A 67-yearold
woman with lymphoma suffered severe neuromyopathy
amygdalin treatment, with elevated blood and urinary
thiocyanate and
cyanide levels. Sural nerve biopsy revealed a mixed
pattern of demyelination
and axonal degeneration, the latter being prominent.
muscle biopsy showed a mixed pattern of denervation and
with type II atrophy (41).
Semen Armeniacae
Semen Armeniacae should not be administered during
pregnancy or
nursing, or to children (43, 44).
Overdose may cause fatal intoxication (4, 43, 44).
The lethal dose is
reported to be 7–10 kernels in children and 50–60
kernels (approximately
30 g) in adults (45).
Carcinogenesis, mutagenesis, impairment of fertility
No effects on fertility were observed in rats fed a diet
containing 10%
Semen Armeniacae for 5 weeks (26). An aqueous
extract of the seeds was not
mutagenic in the Salmonella/microsome assay using
S. typhimurium strains
TA98 and TA100, or in the Bacillus subtilis H-17
recombinant assay at concentrations
of up to 100.0 mg/ml (46). However, a hot aqueous
extract of the
seeds was mutagenic in the Salmonella/microsome
assay in S. typhimurium
strains TA98 and TA100 at a concentration of 12.5
mg/plate (47).
Pregnancy: teratogenic effects
Intragastric administration of amygdalin (dose not
specifi ed) to pregnant
hamsters induced skeletal malformations in the
offspring, and intravenous
administration resulted in embryopathic effects. Oral
laetrile increased in
situ cyanide concentrations, while intravenous laetrile
did not. Thiosulfate
administration protected embryos from the teratogenic
effects of oral
laetrile. The embryopathic effects of oral laetrile
appear to be due to cyanide
released by bacterial β-glucosidase activity (48).
A pregnant woman
who took laetrile as daily intramuscular injections
(dose not specifi ed) during
the last trimester gave birth to a live infant at term.
There was no laboratory
or clinical evidence of elevated cyanide or thiocyanate
levels (49).
Pregnancy: non-teratogenic effects
Offspring of breeding rats fed a high-amygdalin diet
(cyanide > 200.0 mg/
100 g) for 18 weeks had lower 3-day survival indices,
lactation indices and
weaning weights than those in a low-amygdalin group
(cyanide < 50.0 mg/
100 g). This may indicate that the cyanide present in
the milk may not be
effi ciently detoxifi ed to thiocyanate and excreted by
neonates (26).
Nursing mothers
See Contraindications.
Paediatric use
See Contraindications.
Other precautions
No information available on general precautions or on
precautions concerning
drug interactions; or drug and laboratory test
Dosage forms
Processed (see Posology) dried ripe seeds (4);
seed oil. Store in a cool, dry
place, protected from moths (4).
(Unless otherwise indicated)
Average daily dose: 3.0–9.0 g of dried ripe seeds
processed by breaking
into pieces, rinsing in boiling water and stir-frying
until yellow, then adding
to a decoction when nearly fi nished (4).
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