This post gives
a broad overview of ancientIndian culture
and ayurvedic history. It discussessome of the
original concepts that developed outof this ancient
culture and have had such a profoundinfluence on
Ayurveda. Modern Indianculture appears
to be a unified tradition andmany sources
claim that it has always been so,but searching
deeper reveals layers of differentcultural
influences woven together. For example,it appears today
that Ayurveda and Yoga havealways been a
part of the same system, but historicaland textual
evidence does not back thisup. They may now
be inextricably linked andeven work very
well together but, as we shallsee, this link
has not always been in place. It isan error to
claim that they have always been apart of the same
system. Some authors and promotersof Ayurveda
today claim that Ayurvedahas always been
a part of mainstream Indian culture. This is
not the case. The one continua lthread in Indian
culture is the trait of absorption,cohesiveness and
collection of ideas within mainstream
Indian culture. This integrative tendency of
absorbing diverse cultural elements is a recurrent
theme throughout Indian history.And so it is
with Ayurveda, which is the result of assimilating
different cultural strands and medical
speaking, in India there has always been a
competitive atmosphere between an orthodox religious
tradition and a heterodox religious tradition.
Everything in India had a relationship with religion
and Ayurveda developed within this
friction. Early in Ayurveda’s evolution there was
tension between the superiority of ritual practices versus
the scientific use of herbs. Which was the most
effective medicine, ritual or science, the past
tradition or new experience? The Ayurveda
practised today is a result of this development in a
paradoxically conservative yet progressive
culture. These cultural tensions are clearly
expressed in the texts as well as experienced in the clinic.
Modern Ayurveda is also theAyurveda is
declared to be eternal, because it has no beginning, because it deals with such
things that are inherent in
nature and because the nature of matter is eternal. For at no time was there a
break either in the
continuity of life or in the continuity of intelligence
result of
scientific research into and experience of nature. The
defining context is that Ayurveda is a medical
tradition steeped in religious tradition as well as natural
medicine, and it is based on both tradition and
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